
Aellon is a social enterprise that offers home and office furniture and accessories

Aellon is a social enterprise that offers home and office furniture and accessories made from recycled and sustainable materials. Aellon was launched on September 8, 2000. We work with different communities from different parts of the world to be able to bring you unique furniture pieces and accessories

Aellon uses a triple bottom line business model. First, it is a financial endeavor. We hope to make a profit from producing high-quality furniture. It is a business and we mean to bring in the money. We believe in the value and marketability of the products that we offer. Proceeds from the Aellon store fund our mission of helping poor communities rise from the challenges that they have been through especially in moving their families out of poverty.

Second, it is our social responsibility. We have to do something to help alleviate the problem of poverty. That is why we work with poor communities in different parts of the world. We teach them the skills needed to make high-quality furniture and accessories. We believe in excellence in the quality of our products. We do not just give them fish to eat, we teach them how to fish. We empower these communities by partnering with them in this business endeavor so that they will have a sustainable source of income that would help them meet the needs of their families. Through this, they can move out of poverty and we have real success stories to prove it.

Lastly, it is our way of helping the environment. We only use recycled materials such as those logs and timber from wreckages and calamities. We also make sure that other materials are only sourced from sustainably harvested wood. These are lumber that comes from well-managed forests so you can be sure that they are not products of illegal logging and other acts considered to be harmful to our environment. These materials are renewable and we work hand in hand with forest stewards who make sure that the logs and lumber that we use do not damage the ecosystem in the forest, wildlife, and watershed. We have an environmental team that ensures that the trees are replaced and even more are planted to ensure the sustainability of our resources.

Aellon furniture, accessories, and other products bear our brand of excellence. We make sure that our products are functional, durable, sustainable, and accessible. Each product is a fruit of the hard work of our community partners. Our products have classic designs that you would surely be proud to display inside your garage doors in Milwaukee. Each of our collection lines tells a different story – of culture, experience, inspiration, resilience, and hope. We would love to share the story with you and hope that you share it with the rest of the world.

See photos of our collections. We have provided the specifications and other important details under each product. Thank you for supporting Aellon.