sustainable home

How To Create A Sustainable Home?

The term sustainability has become synonymous with climate change campaigns. As we become more aware of the environmental damages causing climate changes, everyone is looking for a way that they can make the planet a better place to live in. One of them is buying eco-friendly products, which helps to make the environment safer and healthier.

One of the ways that we can all help in making the environment healthier is by creating sustainable homes. There are small and big things that every one of us can to make our homes environmentally friendly. Here are some of the best tips for creating a sustainable home.

Use Eco-friendly Building Materials

The first thing that you need to do is to use as many eco-friendly materials as you can when building the house. There many parts of the house where you can use sustainable materials. Eco-friendly compost and wood, such as bamboo, are great for floors. The material can be used for the construction of various floors, including floor patios, decks, and so on. You can also use sheep wool for insulation purposes. When possible, use locally sourced materials.

Buying Second-hand Furniture

Buying the newest and latest furniture trend may look nice, but you will be contributing to environmental damage. It is essential to note any new furniture you buying is a tree that was lost, and a lot of energy was used to manufacture it. So, if you can buy second-hand furniture, you will have made a significant contribution towards keeping the environment safe and healthy.

Green Cleaning

Cleaning green is what all of us should be trying to achieve in our homes and workplaces. We must try to choose cleaning products and practices that are better for the people and the planet. So, when buying cleaning products, make sure that you have checked for eco-friendly products. Avoid products with harsh chemicals that are likely to release hazardous compounds. Some of the best green cleaning products include baking soda, borax, lemon juice, and washing soda, amongst others.

Recycled or Reused Materials

Using new materials for your home construction contributes to the destruction of the environment. That is why you need to consider using recycled materials. If you need steel bars for your deck or roofing, consider using recycled steel. It has been proven that recycling steel helps to save about 75% of the energy cost. That is the kind of contribution that you make to keep the environment clean. Apart from steel, you should also consider buying furniture constructed from recycled wood. There are many stores here in Australia selling such furniture.


 Using Less Plastic

One of the things that you need to consider to kick out of the house is plastic products. Plastic is one of the major pollutants, and that’s the reason why you should avoid it. Unlike wood that decomposes faster, plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose. That is why it has been classified as a threat to the environment. If you have to use plastic, get a recycled one.

Using Less Water

Your water usage habit is another way that you can create a sustainable home. Water is increasingly becoming a scarce resource. We are competing for this resource with the animals and plants to stay alive. So, when you waste water, you deny their two adequate water survive. Using less water will ensure the entire ecosystem is balanced, and that will keep the environment healthier.

Use Compost

One of the most significant contributors to environmental pollution is the user of fertilisers in farming. The chemicals in these fertilisers usually seep into the groundwater or are swept by the surface water when it rains. However, you can use compost instead of fertilise for your flower and herbs garden. What you need is put food waste and other kitchen scraps and put it in a compost bin. Leave it for a while, and you will get a useful compost for your gardens. With compose, we can reduce the use of chemical fertilisers.

Plant Drought Tolerant Plants

To reduce the amount of water used for irrigation, you should consider using drought-resistant plants for your landscaping. That will enable you to reduce water wastage during the dry seasons.

If everyone can create an eco-friendly home, we would contribute a lot to the environment. The good news is that you don’t have to do a lot to create a sustainable home. With simple things such as composting your food, you can make the planet safer.